How excited ARRRRRR you for the bluegrass festival?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Okay folks, the schedule is in! Here are your shifts:

(we have people at camp who can pick up shifts if there are any problems)

Josh Gregory:
Thurs. 1-5 (Gate)
Fri. 9-1 (Gate)
Sat. 1-5 (gate)

Eric Carlson (Roy and am's neighbor)
Sat. 8-11 (gate)

Paul Green:
Fri. 1-5 (gate)
Sat. 5-8 (gate)

Sat. 9-1 (gate)

Fri. 1-5 (gate)
Sat. 5-8 (gate)

Greg Berry:
Fri. 8-11 (gate)
Sat. 5-8 (gate)

Fri. 5-8 (gate)
Sat. 9-1 (store)

Thurs. 8-11 (Hosp.)
Fri. 9-1 (store)
Sat. 9-1 (store)

Thurs. 5-8 (Hosp.)
Fri. 1-5 (Hosp.)
Fri. 5-8 (Hosp.) (I will relieve you for one of these shifts.)
Sat. 1-5 (Hosp.)


Joshua David Gregory said...

-dude, josh got the shaft!
-oh dude, you are sooooo right!
-dude, this means we wont see him much saturday!
-dude, you are so true.
-this is bogus dude!

AnnaMarie said...

Dude, you're right. We'll find someone to cover your shift Sat. night.

Nikki said...

I just came here to say "Dude"

RabbitDragon said...

AWESOME! No need to relieve me on Friday, except for a quick break at some point.